I was kindly given some vouchers for a regular pot of Yog frozen yogurt so it was only right I popped into the BFI IMax at Waterloo on a pleasant summer’s evening. I’m a big fan of frozen yogurt (FroYo) and have had a fair few in my time, home and abroad, so I was excited at the prospect of trying somewhere new.

Although this was my first visit, Yog has been around for some time and have a handful of stores including one in Charlotte Street and in Brighton. On first look at the menu Yog seemed very healthy. The calorie and fat content of each size tub is clearly displayed (this I like to see) and the pro-biotic nature of ingredients. This reassured me that Yog isn’t like some other dreadful FroYo companies (no names) who advertise the goodness of FroYo when in fact theirs contain more naughties than a Magnum – and I’d much rather have a Magnum!. Yog boasts a healthy choice of flavours including fresh fruit, seeds and honey, meaning it can be enjoyed guilt-free.

Feeling not-so-healthy after a visit to my favourite Japanese restaurant, I chose quite possibly the least healthy topping of fruit coulis and chocolate brownie which I paid 60p extra for. There was also the option to have a mix of yogurt flavours so I chose natural yogurt and pomegranate. This was great for indecisive foodies like me who want to try EVERYTHING! Disappointingly I didn’t like the fruit coulis – made fresh each day- so it totally ruined the whole thing for me. I had to carefully spoon out the brownie pieces as there was no way I’d leave something as good as chocolate brownie! Unfortunately my choice wasn’t right for my personal taste and I’m sure others would have loved it as I’m a little fussy when it comes to coulis so God knows why I chose it in the first place! The main thing was that the portion size was generous and the yogurt tasted good.

Sam went for the healthier choice of natural yogurt with fresh strawberries which was no surprise as he had just whaffed down a Katsu Curry plus five spring rolls! I tasted some of his tub which was much nicer without the coulis. The frozen yogurt tasted sharper than others I’ve tried such as Spanish-based Smooy and llao llao and it certainly had a healthier feel to it, being very light indeed. This is what sets Yog out from the rest – its healthy, guilt-free summer snacking at it’s best. At just around 100 calories a tub, you could live off frozen yogurt throughout summer! Now there’s a thought!
Living life, loving cake,
H x