I was kindly given some vouchers for a regular pot of Yog frozen yogurt so it was only right I popped into the BFI IMax at Waterloo on a pleasant summer’s evening. I’m a big fan of frozen yogurt (FroYo) and have had a fair few in my time, home and abroad, so I was […]
Breakfast at BB Bakery

I recently had my mum, who also contributes to the site, up to visit for a girl’s day out compromising of cake, ice cream and chocolate! I decided to take her to BB Bakery in Covent Garden for breakfast since I regularly walk past the café but had not visited, as I couldn’t remember its name. Prior to […]
Breakfast at Karpo

One Saturday morning I was stopped in my tracks by the cakes in Karpo’s window. I walked back to admire the menu and immediately texted Sam to let him know we were going there for breakfast the following day. We arrived early Sunday morning and sat down underneath the impressive skylight at the back of […]
Smooy Frozen Yoghurt

I came across Smooy whilst travelling around Spain last year and practically lived off it in Malaga having a smoothie for breakfast, a tub for lunch and sometimes even another tub later that evening! Long gone the days where summer involves over indulging in full-fat Mr Whippy’s, frozen yoghurt is on its way to becoming […]