What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of sweet treats we’ve eaten this week, at home and abroad. Here’s 5 of our favourites! This week’s sweet treats (clockwise from top left): 1. Okay, this isn’t technically a sweet but, it does have the word ‘sweet’ in it, so I think that […]
Las Iguanas
This week’s sweet treats: 08/08/2014

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week. Clockwise from top left: 1. Deserts on a dessert island. Is that right? 😉 They sure do look delicious. Helen shared these with friends at Mahamaya Resort, Gili Meno, Indonesia. Sticky toffee […]
This week’s sweet treats: 14/03/2014

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week. Here’s five of our favourites! Clockwise from top left: 1. A rather lovely lemon polenta cake from a new find – Durleighmarsh Tea Barn, Petersfield which we shall be reviewing in the next couple […]
Las Iguanas

UPDATE: 25/06/2017 see bottom of post- I love Las Iguanas. It’s a favourite with our family and we’ve been going for several years, the first being the branch at Royal Festival Hall in London, not long after they’d just opened up I imagine. We were really impressed with the whole experience, the food and the […]