UPDATE: see bottom of post. Each year around Easter time my husband Geoff and I go on a lovely country walk where we meet no one apart from the farmer in his tractor. I can’t tell you exactly where it is for fear of spoiling it (and if I did I’d have to kill you) […]
This week’s sweet treats: 21/02/2014

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week. Here’s five of our favourites! Clockwise from top left: 1. I had cycled over to one of my favourite tearooms,Tazzina Cafe in West Meon for a slice of lemon polenta cake but just had […]
This week’s Christmas sweet treats: 27.12.2013

Please, please, please, if you haven’t already, can you vote for us here for the UK Blog Awards, Thank you! ********************** What better way to start your Friday than with our […]
This Week’s Sweet Treats: 13.12.2013

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of the some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week. Here’s five of our favourites! This week’s sweet treats (clockwise from top left): 1. My Rocky Road, extremely chocolatey and packed with glacé cherries, mini marshmallows, digestive biscuits and juicy sultanas for […]