My new found love for cooking started three months ago when I took a job on a cattle station close to Fitzroy Crossing in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. I’ve continued to experiment in the homestead kitchen and sometimes cook four days a week for the crew. I’ve already shared with you some of my […]
Fitzroy Crossing
This week’s sweet treats : 07/08/2015

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week in England and Australia. Here’s five of our favourites! Clockwise from L-R: 1. Helen enjoyed this tasty looking dessert (she didn’t say what it was) at Fitzroy River Lodge Lounge Bar, WA where […]
Fitzroy Valley Rodeo and beyond: WA, Australia

Although we’ve been fairly quiet on the blog recently, life has been full of exciting events like the Fitzroy Valley Campdraft and Rodeo. I’m current sat in a UTE waiting to refuel a helicopter with a young bull (these are called Mickey’s) tied up on my trailer. Little blighter wouldn’t stay with the mob so the lads […]
This week’s sweet treats : 10/07/2015

What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week in England and Australia. Here’s five of our favourites! 1. Poor Helen’s stuck in the middle of almost nowhere in the outback of Western Australia. She’s enjoying herself on the cattle station even […]