I’m ashamed to admit that my first thought as I go up the tube escalator into Waterloo Station every morning is whether there’s any product sampling going on. My hungry eyes scan the station floor for any food-related and often non-food products often handed out by enthusiastic sales teams. A regular of product sampling and one of my favourites (favourite brands as opposed to favourite chocolate) is fun-loving Cadbury’s.
One Monday morning the start of the week was slightly less painful thanks to Cadbury’s who were handing out miniature packets of their new Crunchums. Now, I’m not sure how many new products Cadbury’s have launched in the last month as I’ve lost count but the hot weather obviously hasn’t had an effect on the demand for chocolate (she says currently sat next to the fan whilst stuffing herself with chocolate!).

On the packet, Cadbury’s describe Crunchums as “Crispy chocolatey cereal”. I like chocolate and I like cereal so I had high hopes from Cadbury’s. Now for the verdict! My Crunchums had a brief visit to the fridge after slightly melting on the tube home but I don’t think this affected the taste at all. Crunchums are as they say on the packet; crispy and chocolately. They consist of hollow cereal-like crisp shapes which if I’m honest, tasted more like Bugles, a corn chip snack food originally from General Mills but also found overseas in a 3D version by Doritos. It was a little like eating a chocolate covered plain crisp which was a little odd but not unpleasant.

The Crunchums were light and even though my packet was a trial size, it left no mark on my stomach and I craved a more substantial piece of chocolate. The chocolate was of Cadbury’s usually creamy, but not particularly luxurious taste and it was certainly a comforting treat.
I enjoyed Cadbury’s new Crunchums but I wouldn’t rush out to buy another packet as I would much prefer a bar of Cadbury’s Fruit and Nut.
Living life, loving cake,
H x