Please help by checking out Earth to Oven’s Go Fund Me page
About Earth to Oven
Alfie runs Earth to Oven, a small catering business, with help from his mother, Susanni. They’re both extremely nice and friendly and you can find them serving their delicious seasonal flatbreads from Wednesday to Sunday (weather permitting) on Southsea Seafront. Their gazebo is located in-between the Blue Reef Aquarium and the Portsmouth Naval Memorial on Clarence Esplanade.

Earth to Oven flatbreads
If you’ve been lucky enough, like us, to have tried any of their flatbreads I’m sure you’ll agree that they are super tasty. The ingredients are fresh, of good quality and all sourced from local companies.

The flatbreads come in two sizes, small and regular. The menu consists of something for everyone, fish, meat, veggie and vegan too, plus a seasonal special. Before being loaded with the filling of your choice they’re put on the griddle to crisp up the outside.

I always have the delicious vegan beetroot & butterbean fritter which has a sweet chilli & peanut butter sauce and fresh tomato salad. Back in May when the wild garlic was in abundance, Alfie had foraged for some and made his own pesto with it, which I had instead of the usual sauce and it was smashing. I love it when people make an effort, to go that extra mile, to forage and make something special and seasonal. Alfie also sells his homemade Kombucha.

Geoff, my husband has tried a couple of the meat flatbreads. I think his favourite is the bacon two-ways, succulent bacon & crispy bacon with butter and in-house seasonal ketchup. Another tasty flatbread filling is the BBQ’d pulled pork which I know Helen (the other half of Livelifelovecake) enjoys, along with the smoked mackerel too. Hell, they’re all good!

Earth to Oven treats
It’s always nice to have something sweet I think and there’s always a couple of freshly baked goodies on offer like Earth to Oven’s homemade cookies and brownies. Flavours change regularly as they often include seasonal ingredients like rhubarb. We particularly love the oat and sultana cookies.

Alfie has a real passion for food and loves to cook. Although he’s not had any ‘official’ training, he’s worked as a chef for almost a decade, from being a chef on guided tours in New Zealand to gastropubs and a Michelin star restaurant in London. Before Covid he worked in a Bristol restaurant which focused on ‘quality produce and fine dining experience’, which he loved as he could be as creative as he wanted. Sadly, as the restaurant functioned within a music venue, they were forced to close their doors.
Alfie, not to be thwarted, set up his own business baking sourdough bread and making his own ferments and pickles. That went well and gave him the confidence to set up restaurant-quality takeaways to people missing the fine-dining experience due to Lockdown. I follow someone on Instagram who used to post photos of the delicious-looking meals they’d received from Earth to Oven. I often wished I lived closer to their base in Petersfield to be able to order one for ourselves but alas, it was too far from Portsmouth, we had to stay local.

Once restrictions started easing, Alfie decided to pursue his dream of owning a mobile catering unit. Unfortunately, Earth to Oven had a really bad start, they flipped their new trailer on the way down to Southsea on their very first day of trading, which is why they’re currently operating out of the gazebo.
It doesn’t offer them much protection from the elements so when it’s bad weather they have to pack up and go. If it’s blowing a hoolie out there or raining cats & dogs then it’s best to check on their social media pages before you make the journey, they’re very good at keeping everyone updated there – Facebook, Instagram

Go fund me
They’ve set up a Go Fund Me page to help them purchase a new trailer, (the insurance company won’t pay out because of some loophole), so if you like their flatbreads and want to help this enterprising young man then please click on the link to donate, any amount, big or small will help.
Ambiance 10 (you can’t beat lunch overlooking the sea!)
Service 10
Quality 10
Value 9
Overall 10/10
Return? Yes!
Living life, loving Earth to Oven!
A x