It’s amazing how many new businesses have opened up since Lockdown. Some managed only a few days before having to close and wait it out.
Thank goodness we’re now slowly getting back to normal, albeit a new one.

I came across Wagtail Coffee & Yoga , an independent coffee shop in Chichester, quite by chance. It had been open for only two days before I came across it on social media, a lucky find indeed. It’s in Church Square which is set back from the road where it’s a little quieter – it’s where Attibassi once was, next to Carluccio’s at the top of East street.
I had to take a trip to Chichester so I decided to incorporate it into a cycle ride (to help save the environment) and arranged to meet my friend, Linda – even though the weather for later that day was pretty dismal (I got absolutely soaked on the way home, but it was worth it).

The venue…
As you enter, the cafe is to the right where there’s a long tiled counter displaying all their goodies – cakes, protein balls, Doisy & Dam chocolate bars etc., Behind the counter are numerous colourful canisters containing local Bird & Blend Tea Co. teas, which makes a great display. They have 16 of them I believe!
There’s a long list of coffees available – two or three you may not be familiar with – and other drinks including syrups and hot chocolate. Wagtail use coffee roasters Edgcumbes ,who are also local, to make simply the perfect coffee you’ll ever taste. Honestly, I’ve had several coffees here, cortado’s, flat whites and cappuccino’s and all have been SO good. They also have Two Birds cold brew coffee, great on hot days (well, any days really). I keep meaning to try it but always end up having a flat white.

There’s lots of lovely plants around, all of which are real. Thank goodness as I hate plastic ones!
Since Wagtail opened it’s been takeaways only so I would walk up the road to the park and sit there to enjoy my treats. Now of course you can sit inside (with reduced and distanced seating, of course) which is great on a rainy or chilly day. There’s a bar area with high stools where you can sit and watch people walk past (or to safely watch your bike, parked opposite), a mix of tables and chairs with comfy sofas and padded bench seats. There’s seating outside in the Square now too with pots on the tables containing geraniums.
To the left of the entrance will be the yoga studio, which of course isn’t currently open but it looks like it will be very soon, yippee! It looks a smashing place in which to take a class and then of course, it’s only a hop, skip and a jump away to the cafe for a well earned coffee (& cake).

The food…
Well I can certainly vouch for the cakes that’s for sure, I’ve tried most of them. They have a large variety supplied by Cakesmiths with plenty of vegan or gluten free ones. Cakesmiths supply several places which we visit regularly, The Old Forge in Hambledon, Salt Cafe/The Beach Hut in Portchester and Design Vintage in West Stoke. They don’t look manufactured, they’re not ‘too perfect’ looking, if you know what I mean (I must admit, that can sometimes put me off).
I love the vegan cookies which are full of raisins and are quite sweet.

The vegan sausage rolls are quite delicious, the pizza twists I’ve yet to try.

The Sir Choc a lot is a rich chocolate sponge with a chocolate ganache topping. Perfect for us chocoholics.

The Fix is a tasty raw slice full of goodness with fruits, nuts and seeds and a date topping. It’s pretty to look at too.

The dark cherry & marzipan slice is awesome. In fact, the cakes are all smashing.
I’ve been oh so many times to Wagtail Coffee and Yoga with several different friends and I’ve loved each visit. The place has a nice feel to it and all the staff have been very friendly and welcoming every time. The cafe has a loyalty scheme which you can sign up to but thankfully you don’t have to remember to take a card along to be stamped – I have so many I forget to take them with me – you just tell them your name.
Ambience 9
Value 7
Quality 8
Service 8
Return? You bet
Overall 9/10
Living life, loving cake
A x