The day started perfectly with a picnic from Whole Foods in Kensington Palace Gardens with my friends Kate and KK. The temperature was rising so Kate suggested we go in search of an ice cream parlour she had read about. I was pretty full from lunch but said I would go with them anyway. We […]
Liquid Nitrogen Ice Cream

I recently read about Chin Chin Laboratorists in London’s Stylist magazine and jumped at the chance to go when my friend Chira suggested it. Chin Chin Labs is Europe’s first liquid nitrogen ice cream parlour. Made using liquid nitrogen, the ice cream tastes like any other and I can assure you it is perfectly safe […]
Banana and Pineapple Cake

Well where do I start? Manna’s banana and pineapple cake has to be one of my favourites and THAT is a BIG statement to make. Manna is a modern, minimalistic tea room situated opposite the cathedral in Old Portsmouth near my parent’s house. They visit on an almost weekly basis, meaning I am lucky enough to be taken there […]
Ben and Jerry’s Core Sundae

To me the cinema is all about consuming as many sweet treats as possible without feeling an ounce of guilt, because it’s expected and therefore fully justified, right? I could be watching the worse film ever yet still emerge from the screen with a smile of my face. This is down to a number of […]