I had planned to catch the 7am bus from Penang, in Northern Malaysia to capital Kuala Lumpur down south, in order to make the most of the 24 hours I had left in Asia, but we all know things never go to plan, especially when alcohol is involved. It just so happened that I woke up […]
Exploring Hong Kong at the Mooncake Festival
Exploring Hong Kong, where do I start? I love local events as they offer the perfect opportunity to explore a country’s culture, so when I read about the Mooncake festival I penciled it in to my imaginary near non-existent itinerary. A festival named after a cake – this I just HAD to attend! I had hoped to arrive in […]
A backpackers paradise: Vang Vieng, Laos
I can see why most backpackers love Vang Vieng so much. Accomodation is cheap and the streets are lined with stalls selling western-style baguettes for just over a dollar and peanut butter and Nutella pancakes for the same price. Western-style restaurants showing episodes of ‘Friends’ and ‘How I met you mother’ are everywhere and you can even […]
This week’s sweet treats: 04/04/2014
What better way to start your Friday than with our weekly round-up of some of the many sweet treats we’ve eaten this week. Here’s five of our favourites! Clockwise from top left: 1. Coffee, dumplings and doughnuts. Helen’s reward after a hellish 16 hour night bus journey. Read her latest adventures of backpacking around Asia, currently in Vietnam […]