If you’re from around these parts you will most definitely have heard of the Bat & Ball in Hambledon (or Clanfield) and more than likely have been there at some time in your life. The pub has a strong link to cricket which you can read about here. Two years ago Geoff and I visited […]
Rest of Hampshire
The White Lion, Soberton, Hampshire

A couple of my cycling pals recommended to me The White Lion pub in Soberton, Hampshire. They told me that they’d been a couple of times for lunch and received such a warm and friendly welcome each time. So, it was added to ‘The List’. Geoff and I decided to check it out and it wasn’t until […]
Long Barn, Alresford, Hampshire

It was a beautiful sunny, warm April day when I took my sister Gill, to Long Barn in Alresford, Hampshire for a spot of lunch. I like Alresford, it’s a nice little country town and one I cycle through fairly regularly, often stopping for a coffee somewhere. Long Barn Lavender Growers, who grow and distil […]
Elsie’s Traditional Tearooms, Botley, Hampshire – PERMANENTLY CLOSED!

PERMANENTLY CLOSED: 07/03/2019 – Sadly this week I learnt that the tearoom is no more. My friend Helen and I meet up maybe a couple of times a year, although it seems like we’ve seen each other only yesterday, it’s that kind of friendship. We keep meaning to try out Elsie’s Tearoom together – we […]