I arrived in Hakata Bus Station, Fukuoka at 22:35 knowing full well all reasonably priced accommodation was fully booked. I thought I’d take my chances and try a couple of hostels I saw unavailable online as often places keep a handful of their beds for walk-ins. The second hostel I visited was closed for the evening, […]
There’s no place like home: Portsmouth, England

Surprising my parents with a visit home was well worth the 17 hour journey from Hong Kong via Moscow, even if my arrival time meant that I had to wake mum up, with her response being “is this real life or am I still dreaming?” Surprising my grandparents was even better, with nan repeatedly saying in […]
Exploring Hong Kong at the Mooncake Festival

Exploring Hong Kong, where do I start? I love local events as they offer the perfect opportunity to explore a country’s culture, so when I read about the Mooncake festival I penciled it in to my imaginary near non-existent itinerary. A festival named after a cake – this I just HAD to attend! I had hoped to arrive in […]
Mowies: Gili Air, Indonesia

Out of every place I’ve travelled to across Europe, Asia, America and Australia, Mowies is the one place which has wowed me the most, and here’s why. I’ve heard of many backpackers getting stopped in their tracks and stuck somewhere for a while, but after six months on the move, stopping for no longer than a week in each […]