I came across Smooy whilst travelling around Spain last year and practically lived off it in Malaga having a smoothie for breakfast, a tub for lunch and sometimes even another tub later that evening! Long gone the days where summer involves over indulging in full-fat Mr Whippy’s, frozen yoghurt is on its way to becoming […]
Beth’s Fridge Cake

I was first introduced to Beth’s fridge cake one Friday night when all the girls gathered round to watch movies and eat ourselves silly! Beth presented us with her fridge cake which she had made the previous evening and had placed in the fridge to set overnight.The fridge cake is similar to Rocky Road but […]
Gooey Almond Tart

Word got around that a new little tea room has opened in my home town of Portsmouth, so as soon as I arrived back I had to check it out! The Garage Lounge used to be an old shop called Allan Motor’s which sold tyres (hence the name) which has been lovingly converted into a […]