October is a good month for many reasons, with one being National Chocolate Week, which this year, runs from Monday 14th October until Sunday 21st October. Apart from Christmas and Easter it’s possibly the busiest period in a food blogger’s diary, with tons of events going on all across the country. I’m lucky enough to […]
Limited Edition
Spain: Where an ice cream a day keeps the heat at bay

I love summer, I always have done. Not only is it the only couple of months a year I’m not moaning about the cold or dressed in enough layers fit for an Eskimo, but it brings the perfect excuse for an ice cream and on my recent trip to Spain there was no holding back. Me […]
Charbonnel et Walker’s Limited Edition Swarovski Box

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen’s Coronation, Charbonnel et Walker have launched a limited edition box in collaboration with Swarovski. The sparkling Swarovski crystal box is filled with their new Milk Chocolate Praline Crowns which are handmade in England like all Charbonnel chocolates. I was lucky enough to receive this special box of Milk […]