• Hampshire
  • The Southsea Deli

    orange, pistachio & cardomom, za'atar dressing, Jakes pies, Jake's pork pies, pork pies, pork pie, The Southsea Deli menu, The Southsea Deli livelifelovecake; The Southsea Deli food blog, The Southsea Deli foodblogger, The Southsea Deli review, salad, vegan salad, Portsmouth, Southsea, Portsmouth deli, Southsea Deli, Corkers crisps, Dan Nowland, Daniel Nowland, Dan Nowland The southsea Deli, Daniel Nowland Southsea Deli, Dorset Blue Vinny,

    UPDATE: 15/07/2020 – New premises! The Southsea Deli has moved to new premises and it’s bigger and better (how can that be? I hear you ask). Well, the food’s just as great, the service is just as friendly but the new place is light and airy with more space. You can still grab a coffee, […]

  • Hampshire
  • Algarve’s Grill, Southsea

    Algarves Grill, Algarve's Grill, Southsea, tapas, tapas restaurant, southsea tapas, Portsmouth tapas, Portsmouth, Portuguese restaurant, Portuguese tapas, Portuguese southsea, Portuguese Portsmouth, southsea blogger, Portsmouth blogger, food blogger, food blog, southsea blog, southsea food blog, Portsmouth blog, Portsmouth food blog, American diner, Amercian southsea, American restaurant, American Portsmouth, portuguese American, Pasteis de nata, Pastel de nata, pastéis de nata, small plates, Osborne Road southsea, Southsea restaurants, best places to eat southsea, best places to eat Portsmouth, places to eat in southsea, places to eat in Portsmouth, Algarve's Grill livelifelovecake, Algarve's Grill review, Algarve's Grill menu, Algarve's Grill tapas, Algarve's Grill blog, Algarve's Grill food blog, Algarves Grill

    I’ve never been to the Algarve, however last year we did spend a few days in Porto (Portugal’s second largest city) and then a week in the beautiful countryside where we had a wonderful time, the weather was excellent and we ate good food and drank awesome wine and of course, port. We visited Algarve’s […]

  • Hampshire
  • The Dispensary Kitchen, Winchester

    Dispensary Kitchen, Dispensary Kitchen Winchester, Dispensary Kitchen menu, Dispensary Kitchen review, Dispensary Kitchen food blog, Dispensary Kitchen livelifelovecake, livelifelovecake Dispensary Kitchen, Winchester, places to eat in Winchester, best places to eat in Winchester, rick stein, coffe lab Winchester, choccoco Winchester, livelifelovecake Winchester, livelifelovecake Choccoco, winchester chocolates, winchester Cafe, cafés in Winchester, best cafes in Winchester, strawberry & rose, bee pollen,

    Geoff had the week off before Christmas so we went to Winchester for the day, something we’ve done for the last few years as they have a large Christmas market at the cathedral. I really wanted to eat at The Chesil Rectory as it’s on my to-do list but Geoff thought it a little expensive […]

  • Hampshire
  • Farm Kitchen, Southsea

    Farm Kitchen, Farm Kitchen Southsea, Farm Kitchen menu, Farm Kitchen review, Farm Kitchen Portsmouth, Farm Kitchen food blog, Farm Kitchen blog, Farm Kitchen Southsea menu, Farm Kitchen Southsea review, Farm Kitchen Southsea food blog, Palmerston Road, Southsea, Southsea coffee shop, southsea, places to eat, places to eat in southsea, places to eat in Portsmouth, Tchibo coffee, Tchibo coffee Southsea, Tchibo coffee Portsmouth, Cafe Grande, Cafe Grande southsea, Cafe Grande Tchib

    We’ve been walking past Farm Kitchen in Palmerston Road, Southsea for the last few months wondering when it’ll open. On Boxing Day Geoff and I took a rather cold and blustery walk along the seafront and had a coffee inside the Queens Hotel which is currently undergoing a major refurbishment, it’s worth popping into just […]