It’s been a while since I (Helen) have made an appearance on this site and boy have I missed sharing my food finds with you. Farm life is beginning to quieten down and I can safely say, for once, I feel settled and in a good position to start contributing to this blog again. First […]
The Deck, Emsworth, Hampshire

I was away for Mother’s Day so Helen kindly said she’d take me out later in the week and she’d pay. Hooray! We decided to have lunch at The Deck in Emsworth as Helen and her boyfriend Carlos had been there recently for a drink and an amazing piece of cake. The Deck is set […]
Northney Farm Tea Rooms, Hayling Island

My first visit to Northney Farm Tea Rooms was not long after they’d opened, which was a few years ago now. This would have been in the original old barn, in the photo above you can just see part of it on the far left. I don’t recall ever returning, if I did it would […]
Nosh Cafe Bar, Four Marks, Hampshire

Over a period of 6 weeks I visited Nosh Cafe/Bar in Four Marks three times – that’s not a lot I know but it’s not particularly close to me. The first was by bicycle. Helen and I rode through some beautiful Hampshire country lanes and roads. The route was a bit uppy-downy and we got […]