After a ten days of living and working in a hotel, little sleep and the worse hangover known to mankind, I practically had to drag myself to Afternoon Tea at the Millennium Hotel in Knightsbridge, which was made better when I found out some of my friends, and fellow bloggers, were joining me. Laying off the champagne reception, […]
Southbank Chocolate Festival 2013

London’s bi-annual Chocolate Festival is one of my favourite events of the year, mainly because it involves chocolate and partly because it gives me a chance to say hello to lots of lovely independent businesses, which I rarely get to meet in person. A number of activities such as chocolate demonstrations and cookery workshops take […]
Cakes, Cocktails and Bloggers

Last Tuesday I was invited along to a bloggers meet up hosted by mobile app, Nuffnang X. I use Nuffnang X to keep up to date with the world of food by following my favourite bloggers and last Tuesday, I was finally able to put names to faces (or should I say blogs to faces!).The event […]
Cumberland Hotel, London – Blogger Event

We were invited to the Cumberland Hotel on Hyde Park to a ‘Blogger Outreach Event’ earlier this month for a four-course meal. The meal was to be served in their Brasserie restaurant – one of seven restaurants/bars that the Cumberland Hotel has to offer – which “serves a menu of European classics with a […]