• Hampshire
  • Huis, Belgian Bar and Kitchen, Southsea, Portsmouth

    Huis, Southsea, Portsmouth, Huis, Huis Southsea, Huis Portsmouth, Southsea, Portsmouth, Belgian beer, beer, Speculoos, biscoff, Lotus, Bere Dairy, Bere ice cream, Belgain biscuit, Belgian cafe, Belgian restaurant, Belgian bar Southsea, food blogger, foodblog, Southsea foodblogger, Portsmoouth foodblogger, places to eat in southsea, places to eat in Portsmouth, best places to eat in Southsea, best places to eat in Portsmouth, Flemish bar, rosti, weiner schnitzel, banana beer,

    Huis (Flemish) – Hooey; Hoyse; Hoose; Hoo-is; Hew-is… I’ve heard lots of different pronunciations of it (and I’m pretty sure they have too) but however you want to say it, I have the correct one … House! Huis is a Belgian bar and kitchen on Elm Grove in Southsea. They serve an amazing amount of […]

  • Event
  • North South Feast West Chocolate Festival: Immigration Museum, Melbourne

    food blogger, Helen Newman food blogger, food & travel blogger, Mother & daughter bloggers, Chocolate festival, beer, HaveBeer, Melbourne, Melbourne Festival, Melbourne Chocolate Festival, Beer festival, Victoria, Australia, North South Feast West, Immigration Museum, Melbourne Immigration Museum, Melbourne Museum, Museum, immigration, Australia immigration, Moek chocolate, Mork Chocolate, Belgian beer, Belgium beer, Belgian beer and chocolate workshop, La Tortilleria, Los Amates, Mexican food, tamales, chicken & jalapeno cheese tamales, Mildura, Mildura Brewery, RAW chocolate, organic chocolate, Tonantzin, Pana Chocolate, Tonantzin chocolate, cinnamon chocolate, chilli chocolate, Palm Australia, Geert Hendrix, drinking chocolate, DJ CC:DISCO, Salon Du Chocolat, Chocolate Unwrapped, North South Feast West’s Chilli Festival, Coffee Festival, Whisky Tasting

    Last week I was lucky enough to attend the Chocolate Festival at Melbourne’s Immigration Museum. This was the first in a series of events by North South Feast West taking place this summer and autumn. Since arriving in Melbourne three months ago, I have yet to visit one of the many museums as I’m not […]

  • Travel
  • Cycling through 4000 temples: Bagan, Myanmar

    Bagan, Myanmar, Burma, pagoda

    Although our second night bus in Myanmar was less crowded than the first, the bumpy roads made it impossible to sleep as it felt like I was on a roller coaster. I should count myself lucky I don’t have the Asian gene which causes extreme travel sickness, with almost everyone on the bus throwing up […]