Design Vintage, West Stoke, West Sussex

Design Vintage, Kingley Centre, West Stoke, West Sussex

UPDATE: 22/02/2108 – see bottom of post

Yippee, I’ve discovered a new favourite place whilst out cycling! Design Vintage is in a very small rural village called West Stoke, not far from the Kingley Vale car park and Lavant, West Sussex. I love West Sussex, I always have and I feel that I should live there. Maybe one day…yeah, when I’ve won the lottery perhaps 🙁

Outside seating area

I came across Design Vintage just by chance. I was cycling past, hangry because Wellies, another cafe about a mile away was closed for some reason. Whizzing by my eagle eyes caught an A-board by the side of the road with the glorious words of ‘cake’ and ‘coffee’ on. I quickly did a u-ey and then had to get off, the entrance is not ideal for bikes so if you turn up on one get off before, unless you’re on one of those fat bikes. Whilst I was there another couple of cyclists turned up who I know and who’d also spied the new sign outside too. The cafe had only just opened a day or so ago.


Lots of nice furniture

Inside has lots of nice furniture, cupboards, plant pots, crockery…you name it, all very tasteful. The original Design Vintage – without a cafe I think – is, I believe in Brighton.



The menu is kept simple as there’s not cooking facilities on the premises so ciabattas, toast and cake are the main offerings.


Jerk chicken

I took Helen along when she was home and we were out cycling but alas, they close on Tuesdays (and Sundays). She never did get to go there as I was ill for the rest of her stay with us. If you’re wondering what Helen’s up to then you can read all about her travel adventures here (she’s currently in the very south of  New Zealand’s south island on a dairy farm with the breath of the antarctic blowing on her. It truly is cold. Funnily enough I wanted to be a dairy farmer when I was a kid so maybe that’s where she gets her love of cows from).


Cumberland sausage

I did manage to take Geoff there, by car this time so we were able to eat a little more. We both had a ciabatta, mine was a very nice jerk chicken, roasted pepper and mayo’ and Geoff a Cumberland sausage, tomato & chilli chutney. Both were very tasty and fresh.

Clockwise from L-R: oat cookie; a selection of cakes upon the counter; flat white; carrot cake

All the cakes are made by the owner’s mother who lives locally. I have so far tried almost all of them. The coffee is Red Roaster from Brighton. I’m finding it hard to find a really good flat white these days. The best I’ve found recently are at Canvas Coffee in Portsmouth & Southsea railway station and Salt Cafe at Wicor Marine near Portchester.


Clockwise from top L-R: Sticky toffee sponge; toasted cinnamon & raisin bagel with butter; lemon cake; Ikea napkins

More luscious cakes above and the toasted cinnamon & raisin bagel was very nice even though I’m not normally a fan of cinnamon.


Sourdough toast with butter & peanut butter = fuel

My favourites are the oat cookies which are only a £1 and the sourdough toast with butter & peanut butter, (mainly because they’re good fuel for when I’m cycling). They also do a smashed avocado on sourdough but I’ve yet to try that, I normally arrive for elevenses.


More furniture

There are a few other companies within the large barn complex of Kingley Centre. A photographer who does family portrait packages etc., a landscape gardener, a bridal shop (prices upon request which generally means if you have to ask the price then you obviously can’t afford it). There may be others that I’m not aware of of course.


From the gravelly car park walk up the steps.

I forgot to mention the outside area which is very nice and peaceful with a pond and water feature, olive trees in large pots, plenty of tables and chairs and as it’s away from the road and gravel car park it’s fairly quiet. There’s not a lot of shade, just one or two tables in it depending on the time of day so a few umbrellas would help. I moaned about this in my last blog post on The Canteen in Old Portsmouth.

Anyway to sum it up and as I’ve already said it’s one of my new favourite places to go to, especially whilst cycling. My sister visited it this week upon my recommendation and also liked it very much. It seems to have a bit of class and style – a bit like me…ha, I’m obviously joking 😉 . The staff are all very cheerful and friendly, the food fresh and tasty. Kingley Vale is just around the corner with some lovely walks so you can burn some calories to justify having some cake.

Ambience 8
Quality 8
Value 8
Service 8
Overall 8/10
Return? Yes

Living life, loving cake.

A x

UPDATE: 22/02/2108

design vintage
Including a much larger menu!

2 Comment

  1. […] I went out for the day with my pal Catia. Our first stop was Design Vintage in West Stoke, West Sussex for a cake and coffee. They didn’t recognise me with […]

  2. David Mc Moon says: Reply

    Yes it is as good as he says. One major problem however for people who would like to visit is that those steps ( so well illustrated here ) are an accident waiting to happen.
    Why oh why don’t the management or whoever give us oldies or unstable walkers – or anyone – a handrail to help us. The cafe people are very good and if asked will open their back entrance to bypass those wretched steps so they know there is a problem. Come on you tenants complain to your landlord that you are losing business due to the lack of one because believe me you are.

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